The bond between a parent and child is an extraordinary force that knows no limits. When a child falls seriously ill and requires a life-saving kidney transplant, a parent's love and determination often propel them to extraordinary lengths and most parents would stop at nothing to save their child's life.
However, when faced with the devastating reality of their daughter Sonia's critical condition, it is not clear whether the Ekweremmadu’s pursued all ethical and legal means to find a suitable organ donor. Instead, they opted for what I call the "rich men's option" and engaged in the criminal activity of organ trafficking, which ultimately led to their conviction in the United Kingdom.
The case of the Ekweremmadu’s highlights the need for reliable justice systems in Nigeria that are not vulnerable to exploitation by politicians. It is unacceptable for individuals with power and influence to engage in criminal activities, such as trafficking, and not face the consequences of their actions. The fact that Dr. Obeta, who had himself undergone a similar kidney transplant, participated in the trafficking of a young man exposes the corrupt motives behind such heinous crimes. It is essential that the justice system in Nigeria is impartial and not swayed by political pressure or influence.
In addition, politicians in Nigeria need to invest in the health sector of the country to minimize medical tourism. The fact that the Ekweremmadu’s felt compelled to seek medical treatment abroad, which led them down a dangerous and unethical path, is a testament to the inadequate state of the healthcare system in Nigeria. Investing in the healthcare sector can go a long way in ensuring that individuals in need of life-saving treatments have access to ethical and legal means of obtaining them.
One ethical and legal option for the Ekweremmadu’s would have been to become advocates for organ donation and raise awareness about the urgent need for organ donation. They could have shared their story through various channels, such as social media, support groups, and public forums, in the hopes of inspiring others to consider organ donation and potentially find a suitable match for their child.
Another option would have been to explore potential family donors and compatibility. In fortunate cases, a parent may be a compatible organ donor for their child. If not, a family member or close friend may selflessly offer to donate a kidney. If a suitable living donor could not be found within the immediate family, the family could have extended their search to the broader community by engaging with local organizations, religious institutions, and other support networks to spread the word and find potential donors.
Investing in the healthcare sector in Nigeria can play a crucial role in ensuring that individuals have access to safe and ethical means of obtaining life-saving treatments, thereby reducing the likelihood of engaging in criminal activities such as organ trafficking. The case of the Ekweremmadu’s underscores the importance of having a reliable justice system and ethical and legal means of pursuing life-saving options.
It is important to recognize that parental love knows no bounds, but it is equally important to remember that this love should never lead to the violation of others' rights or the commission of criminal acts.
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