Aww, 'Batkid' saves the day!


In San Francisco, USA, a 5 year old boy Miles Scott, had his dream come true, thanks to the Make a Wish Foundation. Miles Scott, the Batkid, drove through the city in one of two Batmobiles on Friday morning.

Batkid was escorted by police as he rescued a damsel in distress from cable car tracks. He also captured a Riddler as he robbed downtown bank, he stopped the kidnapping of the San Francisco Giants mascot Lou Seal - by the Penguin.

Miles also received a key to the city from Mayor Ed Lee.

Miles Scott the Batkid was diagnosed with leukaemia and is in remission.

"This wish has meant closure for our family and an end to over three years of putting toxic drugs in our son’s body," Miles' mother, Natalie, told Make-A-Wish.

Seeing Miles live his dream as a Batkid brought tears to my eyes as it is very heart warming.
A big thank you to Make A Wish Foundation.
