Smoking in the public bus

Those who smoke should seriously consider others around them before lighting their cigarettes. I have always had a problem with people smoking in public places without caring that the other people there, may not be smokers. Worst still some have health issues and are allergic to cigarette smoke. 

I always get chased out of the bus stop shelter because people just light the cigarette while standing or sitting close to you and blow the smoke right into your face. 

I was  flabbergasted  when on the bus a few days ago, two ladies sitting behind were smoking.

 I live in Scotland, and the weather is really cold at the moment so all the windows in the bus were shut and the heating was on. The whole bus became very stuffy and it pained me especially because there were children in the bus. Two very young babies who were in the pram and about two other toddlers. 

Are you kidding me? Smoking right inside a moving bus without care nor consideration for other passengers. You may also want to know that there are signs inside the bus prohibiting smoking. 

This was the second time I have experienced this, the first I ignored and got off the bus at the next stop but this time, I confronted the ladies and your guess is as good as mine. They were upset and rained racial  abuses on me. 
Anyway, I saw to it that the bus driver stopped and made them put out the cigarettes. 
It's surprising that people can be so anti social. 

I may have succeeded in making them stop on that day but is it not easier if people are more considerate towards others without being influenced to do so.
