last Saturday, the family of Mr and Mrs Emeka Onyekwere hosted friends and family to a wonderful birthday party for their daughters Mimi who turned 10 year old and Yvonne who was 5 year old
Mr and Mrs Emeka Onyekwere with one of the birthday girls, Mimi


It was a very colourful party dominated by pink and purple colours as the two Princesses of the day demanded!
The party was favoured with a very bright and beautiful day. I stand to be corrected but it was one of the best well attended parties hosted by and individual person in Glasgow.

There was plenty of food and drink, with variety of special Nigerian delicacies, like 'nkwobi' 'ora' soup, plantain, 'ofe akwu' jollof rice, and so much more.
I especially enjoyed the 'ora' soup.

The life band and DJ were awesome and provided the party with non stop good Nigerian music
Friends and Family of the Onyekweres

The children had enjoyed the food and music but had more fun with the bouncy castles provided for them by the Onyekweres
It was indeed a beautiful party, we had so much fun! Happy birthday once again Princess Mimi and Princess Yvonne.
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