The house of grace church (Glasgow branch) last Sunday celebrated their inaugural service in a gracious way.

Mr and Mrs Osamede Emokpae (the pastor in charge and his wife)
The service which started at 11:00am was well attended mostly by Africans from various parts of Glasgow.

It was indeed an exciting time of praise and worship with soul uplifting songs.

Prayers were said for peace in Scotland, and the United kingdom.

Pastor Osamede Emokpae, the pastor in charge of House of Grace Church, Glasgow, made the service worth the while with his inspirational teachings on Love for one another and Hope in God almighty.
The children in attendance enjoyed a dedicated children's church where they learned the word of God and had fun doing art and craft.
We had refreshment after the church service and had time to interact with one another.
House of Grace Church Glasgow holds her Sunday service at:
Rodger Memorial Hall
Kirkriggs Avenue
G73 4LY
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