Tips on how to loose weight in one week.
1: Drink up to 2 litres of water per day this helps to flush you system of waste and toxins and also enables good digestion.
2: Eat lots of fruits especially apples, watermelon, pineapple and oranges because they contain lots of fibre and water,
3: Eat lots of green vegetables this also aids digestion and removes waste through defecation.
4: Drink lots of Green tea since I said 2liters of water then if you wish you can make your water and then your green tea 1liter each, this also helps in flushing off toxins out of our body,
Green tea contains lots of antioxidants that makes us to look younger.
5: Stick to low carbohydrate intake or Eat just once a day preferably in the afternoon ,then morning and afternoon should be fruits and vegetables and lots of water and green tea.
6: Exercise must not be strenuous. It could be yoga, short or long walk or even doing some house shores even making use of stairs and not the lift, like me I do some 30mins walk 4 times a week when I going to school.
7: Always get your 8 hours of sleep. This is very important because we need rest after a long day in order to enable our body function well. That why God in his infinite mercies created night too, and mind you ,one can still take some nap in the afternoon if you're less busy.
8: Change of lifestyles like quitting smoking and cutting down on alcohol intake. (if you must take then it should be red wine but in moderation because it cleans the heart)
9: Have some leisure time. Try take some me time either with your family or you alone it helps one to concentrate.
10: Always weigh your self by using a weighing scale in order to be cautious.
11: Eat lots of nuts as it helps the heart to function well and also reduces cholesterol. Examples are coconut, cashew nuts, almond and groundnuts my favourites lol,
N:B As a health worker, I advice you to go for these instead of using food supplements which you are not sure what they are , this is better tested and trusted and actually helped me and my friends loose our baby fat and we are still maintaining our shape. A trial will convince you and you ill thank me later!
Celine Chukwunweike is a Guest writer on Nkechi First Blog.
5: Stick to low carbohydrate intake or Eat just once a day preferably in the afternoon ,then morning and afternoon should be fruits and vegetables and lots of water and green tea.
6: Exercise must not be strenuous. It could be yoga, short or long walk or even doing some house shores even making use of stairs and not the lift, like me I do some 30mins walk 4 times a week when I going to school.
7: Always get your 8 hours of sleep. This is very important because we need rest after a long day in order to enable our body function well. That why God in his infinite mercies created night too, and mind you ,one can still take some nap in the afternoon if you're less busy.
8: Change of lifestyles like quitting smoking and cutting down on alcohol intake. (if you must take then it should be red wine but in moderation because it cleans the heart)
9: Have some leisure time. Try take some me time either with your family or you alone it helps one to concentrate.
10: Always weigh your self by using a weighing scale in order to be cautious.
11: Eat lots of nuts as it helps the heart to function well and also reduces cholesterol. Examples are coconut, cashew nuts, almond and groundnuts my favourites lol,
N:B As a health worker, I advice you to go for these instead of using food supplements which you are not sure what they are , this is better tested and trusted and actually helped me and my friends loose our baby fat and we are still maintaining our shape. A trial will convince you and you ill thank me later!
Celine Chukwunweike is a Guest writer on Nkechi First Blog.
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