Help Build My Television Program in the Caribbean

Five children lost their lives to get an education  

This is an Indiegogo campaign by Christopher Blackman who is concerned about the alarming dropout rate in the country St. Vincent and the Grenadines as much as the Caribbean. Christopher is doing volunteer work in  St. Vincent and the Grenadines  in the area of education. He has  ran summer programs there for  four years and got aware during his work that many children were not reading on grade level.

Christopher has worked with many of them one on one and noticed remarkable improvement. He has also produced educational television programs on the local TV station. The TV programme was highly appreciated by the children and their parents

Christopher needs  funding to keep up the TV educational programme on a regular basis.

When you think of the Caribbean Island, you may picture lush, white beaches, idyllic scenery of turquoise waters, and a true tropical paradise. Many people visit these small islands in the Caribbean to escape a stressful and hectic lifestyle, all to find amazement and relaxation as they explore colourful coral reefs by scuba diving and sail on the calm waters.

However, for the people that make their lives there, the picture is different. St Vincent and the Grenadines house approximately 115,000 friendly people. Many of the families in the villages are unemployed and living in poverty. The island has reliable electricity, telephones and water; however many of the residents cannot afford electricity , water and telephone service. They depend on government-supplied public showers and water spigots.


Campaign Video Appeal

One-fourth of the population comprises children ages 1-14 years.Education is free until secondary school.Due to the extreme economic conditions many families face poverty,education is placed behind the need for the children to work on the farms.Parents or guardians cannot afford books,supplies, transportation and food. As a result,unemployment is very high,and many children and teenagers resort to illegal activities and are ultimately locked up in jail.

It is not like these children do not want an education. Poverty prevents them.There has been a rise in pregnancy. Children having children. Many families are migrating with children who are below average in their schoolwork.Education is the one key to getting out of poverty.

Christopher wants to use the power of television to offer educational programs. The goal is to have a television program that will be available to children and their parents. He has done this in the past and it was a success but had to stop due to lack of funding.

This campaign is calling on everyone to help to build, develop and continue this educational TV programmes by Christopher which helps in giving basic education to children.

You too can help with as little as $1 donation. Please click on the link below to read more about this campaign and to make your donation.
