

This is dedicated to all those who are lonely this period, those who have found themselves in that state due to sickness and hospitalization. Those who have lost loved ones and stare continuously at the empty chair at the table, or the unoccupied bed at night. Those whose heart have been broken by a promising relationship that came to an end
Those who are lonely because their loved ones had to obey the call of duty. Those who are desperate for a smile or a hug
Those who are in the midst of people, yet feel so empty and lonely.
People whose trust have been betrayed, whose backs have been stabbed, whose friendship have been taken for granted.
Those who are lonely by choice, who cant take it anymore. The widowers and widows who have been dealt a painful blow,
To the single fathers and mothers who have no hope for the future because all hope seem lost.

Many people around us are lonely, depressed without hope, some muster all the energy left in them to smile and face the world and the day, yet others don't even have such a luxury as someone to smile to or even the ability to smile, as the year winds to an end, the reality of loneliness is increased, let us make effort to reach out to them in very simple but effective ways. a warm hug, a smile, a warm meal, a visit, a note or card, a call, anything and any way to make an impression in someone's life.
How ugly you are, o loneliness
What an enemy you are
Why do our happy moments moments annoy you?
Why do you have to retaliate?
in hostility, we are set apart,
Then you begin to pay your visits,
Why is misery your instrument?
What pleasure do you derive from our tears?
Why do you take delight in our unhappiness?
why do you suffer people so?
Learn to be kind, o loneliness
And spare us the pains
allow our tears to dry up, lets be happy,
cruel loneliness, learn to be kind

-Charity Abu.


This poem and post was sent in by one of our guest writers. Charity. Aww, what a nice poem and couldn't have come at a better time for me. I hope this reaches out to someone as it has to me. Thanks a lot Charity - Nkechi First
