Children are simply Amazing.

The lovely things kids do! 

Am so emotional right now. I am doing my first official Marathon on the 29th of  May and recently have been so worried and anxious about it. Today I have been so quite and in bed like all day. My kids keep coming to my room to ask if I was okay and to give me a hug. They definitely know that am not my usual self. A few minutes ago they called me to come up to the sitting room to see a surprise they have for me. I went up only to see that my son have written those lovely words on the papers. And they were both carrying it up. It was so emotional. My son was like,  I know you want to take a photo of us 😂😂😂😂😂😂 and my daughter echoed  "and put it on Facebook" 😂😂😂😂

I  took their photo and we made this collage together.  Am so chuffed and have snapped out my bad mood.
